How to Prepare for Employee Performance Reviews

Being a manager means managing employee performance, a task that can be daunting for both new and seasoned managers. We hope to change that and lay the foundation for simple people management that brings the best out of managers and their direct reports.

As the end of the year approaches we are putting together essential tips and resources for performance reviews. Here are some ways managers can prepare for employee performance reviews.

Schedule your 1-on-1 performance review

While this may seem obvious, this critical component of 1-on-1 meetings is often missed by managers. The keyword here is scheduled because it isn’t enough just to have a 1-on-1 meeting with your direct reports. As a manager, you need to have time scheduled to ensure you and your direct report can adequately prepare. Preparation is key to effective meetings, especially 1-on-1 meetings between managers and direct reports.

Not only does this allow for better preparation and conversation, but this also shows your direct reports that you value them. As a manager, it is important to let your direct reports know that they are important and you value not only them but their time. The other benefit to scheduling is that it allows participants to be more present, leading to a more engaged 1-on 1-meeting.

Things to consider when scheduling your performance reviews

  • Timing: Make sure you find a time that not only works for you but them as well. 

    Protect this time and avoid rescheduling unless absolutely necessary. If you do need to reschedule, don’t make it seem casual. Again this may seem obvious, but show your apologies, and reschedule for a time you can commit to. Nothing makes someone feel unimportant like constant rescheduling. 

    Things happen but as a manager, your direct reports are important, it’s important your actions reflect that.

  • Setting: When planning 1-on-1 performance reviews with direct reports, managers should also be mindful of the setting. This is especially important for distributed teams who divide their time between working remote and in office.

    Preferences are personal to individuals and teams, so as a manager you know best. If you are unsure, don’t worry, but be sure to ask.

    Personally, I prefer meetings in person to avoid unnecessary technical issues. Especially for important meetings, such as employee performance reviews. Lags in connection can lead to miscommunication and unnecessary frustration. 

    If you do have your performance review virtually, that’s perfectly fine, but make sure to prioritize clear communication.

Use a collaborative agenda for performance reviews

With ConnectUs managers and employees have a collaborative agenda for all 1-on-1 meetings.

With your employee performance review scheduled, you can now reap the benefits of preparation by clearly conveying expectations. An essential component of employee performance reviews, and all employee 1-on-1s, is a collaborative agenda.

This is key for effective and efficient performance meetings between managers and direct reports. Collaborative agendas allow both parties to prepare for discussion points and ensure that nothing is forgotten. For organizational purposes, collaborative agendas make meetings efficient but the ease that it provides employees improves effectiveness. 

Going into a meeting with your manager can be intimidating for employees in general, especially when they don’t know what to expect. Using collaborative agendas is a great way for managers to make their direct reports feel comfortable with performance reviews.

How to evaluate employee performance

Clear objectives

Start with the employee’s expectations, what goals they need to achieve and what was expected of them. This doesn’t mean you have to go over the job description word for word but re-familiarize yourself with their objectives. Priorities and responsibilities may change but it is essential for managers to monitor their employees' workload and ensure it matches expectations. This keeps managers aligned and clear on priorities.


Once you establish clear employee objectives, you can effectively reflect on how well their performance did or did not match their objectives. Identify milestones and key instances where the employee’s objectives were or were not met. 

Ideally, this should be documented throughout the year to be reviewed in preparation for the annual review. Documentation is one of the most important skills of people management especially as your team grows. 

Never assume you will remember something without needing to write it down. It is hard to keep track of all your employees, even when you have the best intention to. Write everything down so that you can streamline your performance review preparation process.

Contrary to what some might think this time investment can save managers time. Consistent performance management streamlines annual performance reviews and allows managers to improve employee performance in real time.

Documentation is essential for people management and new technology streamlines these management processes. Not only does this save managers time but it improves the quality of performance reviews with increased objectiveness.

Be objective

Documentation reduces bias as managers don’t need to rely on their memory, which when cloudy can be further clouded by personal biases. Bias is a part of being human and is not isolated to “bad managers” bias can be unintentional. 

Being objective is essential for people management and documentation is critical for managers in accomplishing this. Make it a habit to document employee performance regularly,

The reflection process should not only help managers identify employee performance milestones but patterns. They can get a big picture of the overall performance of an employee and spot opportunities for praise or growth. This should be measured by the goals set by the last review if possible. 

Template for employee performance reviews

Not sure what to talk about during an employee performance review? No worries, we create resources for managers that streamline people management, so you can focus on your people.

Download our FREE printable and downloadable employee performance review template below. With this agenda template, managers and employees are clear on what should be discussed during employee performance reviews.

Download your FREE Employee Performance Review Template

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