The Difference Between General and Performance 1:1 Meetings

What are 1-on-1 Meetings?

You can think of 1-on-1 meetings as check-ins (these terms are often used interchangeably). They refer to short and regular meetings that take place between two individuals, often in a professional sense. 1:1 meetings ensure managers are aligned and engaged with their teams.

Benefits of 1-on-1 Meetings

While some may view engaging in regular 1:1s as time-consuming the return on investment is well worth it. Both managers and individual contributors benefit from them.

For managers, having 1:1 meetings with direct reports provide opportunities to develop their coaching skills while refining personal skills. Coaching and development skills are increasingly valuable.

It can improve employee productivity and performance. According to Gallup, research shows a correlation between employee engagement and regular one-on-one meetings. Employees who engage in regular 1-on-1s with their managers are 3 times more likely to be engaged.

It can strengthen employees’ connection to the organization’s purpose and mission. Often we can fall on auto-pilot and not be intentionally driven by our why and 1:1s are a great opportunity to re-ignite purpose. A key part of leadership is leveraging mentorship to provide clarity on purpose.

All this being said, engaging in 1:1s is a simple and effective manager tip. Engaging in one-on-ones can make a big impact on relationship-building, people skills, and remote teams.

Different Types

1:1s are categorized as general or performance-focused Although both are meant to keep teams aligned they serve different purposes. Using a combination of the two is ideal for efficient people and performance management.

Different types of 1:1s explained and compared

General 1-on-1 Meetings


The purpose of general 1:1 check-ins is to build strong relationships founded on trust and communication. Rapport can improve communication and collaboration between managers and their direct reports. Established relationships provide managers insight on how to approach different personalities and maximize strengths.

You can also use general 1:1s to share status updates, this helps you stay connected with team members even with remote employees.


The frequency of 1:1 meetings is based on personal preferences, however, we suggest holding them weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. At ConnectUs we have general 1:1s weekly and the frequency for our clients depends on their organization’s unique needs.

Common Questions to Ask During 1:1 Meetings

  • How are you?

  • What do you like/not like about working here?

  • How can I support you?

  • What would you like to do more of?

Performance 1-on-1 Meetings


The purpose of performance 1:1 check-ins is to track progress towards goals while providing continuous feedback. With continuous performance 1:1s, managers are able to address issues in real-time instead of only evaluating the past. This gives managers the opportunity to uncover areas for improvement before they impact performance.

Small adjustments can make a big difference in the outcome of individual and team goals. Performance 1:1s are also a good time to discuss career goals and monitor employee performance


Similar to general 1:1s, the frequency of performance check-ins varies but we recommend they be done monthly or quarterly. Performance 1:1s are less frequent than general 1:1s and many people are shifting away from traditional annual reviews for continuous performance management.  

Common Questions to Ask During Performance 1:1 Meetings

  • What do you think went well/could have gone better?

  • What support could you use going forward?

  • Do we need to change anything?

Bottom line

1:1 meetings are a great tool for People management - they help in building rapport, and unlocking the potential of both leaders and individual contributors. If you are still unsure of where to start - don’t worry many people feel the same way. This is why we put together a free toolkit that you can download or print and immediately start having better 1:1s. You got this!

FREE 1:1 Meeting Toolkit for Managers

The Complete 1:1 Meeting Toolkit for Managers

  • Checklist

  • Suggested Questions

  • Agenda Template

  • Communication Style Quiz (printable)

Learn more about why ConnectUs is the ultimate 1:1 Meeting tool for managers and how it streamlines People Management.


The Manager’s Guide to Effective 1:1 Meetings


How to Be an Effective Leader and Why it Matters